Using this tutorial and the Fortapay provided template, you can spruce up your default invoice template.
We DON’T recommend using the Send Invoice feature of Infusionsoft, but if you choose to use it, at least your invoices can look good with this custom invoice template!
Note: Invoice templates are special templates and work a bit differently from the other Marketing Templates. You can’t use plain text– you must use html only.
Edit or Create a New Invoice Template
- Go to E-commerce > Settings in the master nav.
- Click on Orders in the left settings menu.
Add a new Invoice Template
Click Add
Use Code Builder
Click Use Code Builder
Copy/Paste Fortapay Invoice Template
1. Copy and paste the Fortapay provided template. You can access the custom template in Fortapay under Settings > Tools. In addition to giving a fresh look to your invoices, this template automatically includes a link to your billing center.
2. Click the Save icon and then Close Builder.
3. Click Save to save the new invoice template
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